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Overworld Location: Right-Down


Size 大きさ (cm) Object English
60.9 Trophy トロフィー
100.5 Momotaro モモタロウ the peach guys on the steps
112.3 Globe チキュウギ
126.1 Penguin ペンギン
134 Park Fence パークサク
179.1 Plastic Bench ベンチ
222.2 Double Punk ダブルヤンキー
272.1 Vending Machine ジハンキ
579.9 Hatchback ハッチバック the tan car
603 Japanese Car コクサンシャ the blue car (there's two of them)
644.4 Palm Tree ヤシ
822.6 Carport カーポート
948.3 Regular Tree ジュモク
1469.3 Smokestack (Brown) オフロエントツ
1481.1 Nikaido Residence ニカイドウ家 this is the green-roofed house wedged in the corner; see the mas9 channel for a clearer picture
1864 Huge Tree キョボク
2255.2 Sailboat ヨット
2785.1 Bathhouse セントウ
2848.1 Trawler ダイギョセン the bigger boats in the water (in case you fall)
2985 Stingray Building クマノミビル

Size Milestones

Size 大きさ (cm) English 日本語
540 Size after White Wall & Vending Machine to ensure 579.9 for Hatchback


  • start vid - pickup plants and angle off for bounce
  • around 22m go left through the town and up the hill for size rather than
  • MAS 9 off totem pole bounce - holdenpnw
  • bonk into pink building with speed to end bounce speed and go correct direction while getting two mats
  • table angle tips
  • keep turning left until falling past wing of totem pole
  • turn right at the end to fix camera and steer the bounce
  • want to be fairly far back and to the left to get a good bounce towards welcome mats
  • there's a slope below that we aim for
  • ![[Pasted image 20220224200116.png]]